Let's start with the hotel-sized billboards, While they are impressive, it doesn't mean that they'll be successful. Remember when Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was pasted all over the place, or Cowboys vs. Aliens covering the Hilton? This year, we had this...
NBC took over the Hilton with its new show, Revolution. The symbol even glowed at night.
Hopefully, SyFy can escape the Skyline curse with Defiance, a TV show that is also influenced by the video game that will be released at the same time. It'll be the first time you can watch and episode and maybe play it as a game.
To be honest, I preferred the Rainicorn Parade that was part of downtown last year for Adventure Time, but SuperFinn over a playground near the Marriott is pretty good, too.
OK, I didn't see Prometheus, so I didn't know this was an "Engineer" who supposedly had a hand in our creation, according to the movie.
These guys were at several street corners plugging Wilfred, along with some other guys dressed as dogs.
The pedicabs were often used as mobile billboards for lots of things at Comic-Con. This was my favorite from Once Upon a Time.
I don't know if I can accept Stan Lee and an anime character, but it was an interesting way to plus his YouTube show.
Behold Shoebacca! I bet if Arnold Schwartzenegger would rather drive this beauty in Expendables 2 than the Smart Car he'll have to drive.
I called this the 3112 Dodge Dart, as opposed to this year's Dart that was featured elsewhere at Comic-Con. This was part of Elysium, which is set far into the future.
This should have been part of last year's Grimm panel at Comic-Con, but now that we know about Aunt Marie's Grimmobile, that brought in a lot of curious people.
This was the Hewlett-Packard Corral that plugged Django Unchained, mainly because it also included video games.
I would have snapped photos of other advertising, such as the Syfy Cafe Formerly Known As the Cafe Diem, but I spent a lot of time in line. This time, though, my patience paid off. I also got some interesting swag. More on that later.
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