Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Last Jedi Isn't For Every Star Wars Fan, But It's Still Very Good

The weekend has passed, and Star Wars:  The Last Jedi has been a massive hit. It's earned 241 million in the states, and half  a billion worldwide.Maybe it'll hit a billion in a month. While many have enjoyed the movie, some hard core fans were surprised or dismayed over certain things like changing what someone with the Force can do.

Well, they're wrong. They have to remember this is a new generation of Rebels, and the ones we knew before are also different because they're getting older.
On top of that, Last Jedi is different because it doesn't need the past as a guide. If we get some surprising twists which later make sense, that's a good thing.
Besides, don't be fooled by the title.

The movie itself is mainly two plots:  the Resistance try to stay literally one step ahead of the Empire, and Rey seeks out Luke Skywalker to be trained in the ways of the Jedi. Finn does wake up, but in a clumsy manner, while Poe Dameron and BB8 take wild risks for the cause. Right off the bat, he goes after one of the dreadnoughts, while a girl is just able to release a lot of bombs before dying. Oscar Isaac is truly the heir apparent to Han Solo

Rey's (Daisy Ridley) storyline was more interesting because of her relationship with Luke, which starts when she returns his lightsaber and his response is unexpected,. It's clear he's not interested in training new Jedi, especially after what happened with Kylo Ren. A return to the Millennium Falcon and a vision from the past, changes his mind. He also sees Rey's  potential inside her, and that worries him because someone else had that strength.
She's also searching for info on who her parents really are, taking her to a cave that gives her a certain point of view.

The biggest surprise is that she actually talks to Ren, even light years away. This is explained, but seeing opposite sides of the Force trying to understand each other is quite a trip although it worried a lot of fans. Also, Ren doesn't have as many "tantrums" but he is trying to establish his power as the heir to Vader. Rey still thinks maybe he can be redeemed, but that is not possible. You need a bad guy for this section of the Star Wars Saga, and it's him. She still wants to try, especially when she learns what really happened the night Ren left Luke. Driver is very good as Ren, whether ruthless or quiet and calm in his efforts to win over Ren.

The efforts by the Resistance to stay alive are still interesting, though. When the Empire's fleet damages one of the ships  and puts Leia out of business for a while, she's replaced by Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern). Aside from the fact she looks like she came from The Hunger Games, Holdo seems to be a commander who's not making the right decisions (at least according to Poe). The revelation that she really knew what she was doing was a bit sudden, although telling Poe would have made it easier (another complaint, but she was trying to establish herself). Fisher does a great job in what is her swan song in the franchise. She's all business, even when she's talking to Poe. There is a scene what will shock people, but they'll be even more shocked about what she does about it.

Because Holdo wouldn't admit her real intentions, Ren and Rose decide to find a code breaker who could help them buy time and help the fleet escape the Empire ships. They have to go a planet called Canto Bright that's Evil Vegas, where the upper elite (including some weapons dealers who sell to both sides) gamble and party like crazy. They find a guy named DJ (Benecio Del Toro) and he seems helpful but he's no Lando Calrissian (or is he?).

Then there's the scene where Ren brings Rey to Snoke, and it's a battle over who controls the Force more is very tense, especially what one of them decides to do. Yet there is a moment of a possible alliance that sounds good. Then you remember who these people really are. Andy Serkis should get an award for making mo-cap characters so real, aside from his work in the Planet of the Apes series. He makes Snoke truly menacing, if he spends much of the time sitting on his throne.

There's also a major confrontation towards the end that will excite fans, and then blow them away at the end.

Last Jedi was smart not to be The Empire Strikes Back. No massive revelations, but there were several unexpected twists. It was a great sendoff for Fisher, and a big advance for Poe, Rey and Finn as they take their places are the new Heroes of the Resistance. Don't forget BB8, who was more involved in the battle with Poe that R2D2 ever was. Just remember, the round robot makes a lousy piggy bank but is a good mechanic.
Also, don't forget one more return that is sudden, but this character puts it into perspective.

While we'll have to wait two years for the final chapter (and maybe four months for Rifftrax's "response" which will include a lot of jokes about Holdo and Canto Bright), at least there's the upcoming "Solo" movie next May.

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