Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bride of the Gorilla, As Seen By Rifftrax and ICWXP

Recently, Rifftrax took on Bride of the Gorilla, with a pre-Perry Mason Raymond Burr as a guy who thinks he's turning into a gorilla after killing his boss and marrying his wife. It also includes Lon Chaney Jr. as the local sheriff who suspects something but can't prove it. Ironside, he ain't

This is the second time RT has taken on a movie that was previously riffed by Rikk Wolf and Incognito Cinema Warriors XP (the other time was Bloody Pit of Horror, which also included a short that Rifftrax approached in a live show).

Bridget Nelson and Mary Jo Pehl riffed this movie in their usually gossipy and amusing way. They told a lot of TV jokes, along with ape humor including Planet of the Apes.

The ICW version was more aggressive with jokes that still had a punch even after a decade. The only difference in these two versions is who's riffing on this movie, housewives or frat guys.
The Rifftrax version is also more complete. ICW's version. It cut a big chunk after Barney came home from the jungle the first time. Pity, since it shows Burr as a decent leading man.

Also, it's next to impossible to get a copy of the ICW version. Good thing I got it more than a decade ago, just after Rifftrax was getting off the ground.

So, time to compare riffs:

The jungle stock footage includes a leopard

RT:  And to think I once worked with Cary Grant
ICW:  It ain't easy being cheesy

Burr as Barney shows up

RT: Boy, do I hate Hamilton Burger
ICW:  It looks like the pool boy's in for a treat

After Barney gets poisoned by an old lady and her plant, he seems to think his hand's turning into a gorilla

RT:  I set the tanning bed to "George Hamilton" again
ICW:  I'm rotting again

A guy claims a monster killed a bunch of men:  "It was big and red"

RT:  Ed Sheeran?
ICW:  The Kool-Aid Man strikes again

Barney explains to Dina why he won't leave the jungle:  "I'm happy out there in the jungle"

RT:  Upton Sinclair had it all wrong
ICW:  It's got fun and games, and you got no money and it has your disease
(best riff of both versions)

The Rifftrax version also has comments on Jane Goodall, Elvis, Vermeer, Death Cab For Cutie, and Fruit Loops.

Check out Rifftrax's feature on the website. As for the ICW version, it's no longer for sale, but if you know a guy....

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