Friday, April 8, 2022

Rifftrax Revisits a Zombie Nightmare


It's been nearly 28 years since Mystery Science Theater 3000 took on a little Canadian horror film best known for having in its cast a future member of Wayne's World, a former TV super hero, and a guy who'll wind up as a popular director. 

That movie was Zombie Nightmare, and Rifftrax decided to take a second look at that cheesy movie.
It's been done several times before with Jack Frost, The Magic Sword, Angel's Revenge, and Final Justice.
While some scenes were cut from the MST version (maybe due to music rights), it does include the scene where one of the teens gets a much deserved fate.

The story is about Tony, a muscular teen played by Jon Mikl Thor (Rock 'N Roll Nightmare). Several years after his dad was stabbed to death after softball practice, Tony breaks up a robbery at the local store. Meanwhile, some rowdy teens are on their way to some dance or other. They wind up running over Tony, killing him. They shrug this off a bit too quickly, especially their leader Jimbo (Shawn Levy, future director of Deadpool 3).

Tony's mom gets Molly, a local voodoo priestess, to resurrect Tony as an act of revenge. One by one, the teens in the car that killed him get killed themselves.

There's a sub-plot, where Police Captain Churchman (Adam West) approaches the series of murders in an odd way. It becomes more clear when he has a bizarre connection to it all.

The Rifftrax version seems to be a bit darker with fewer Batman jokes, but it did comment on bad accents and the low-budget look of the whole thing. They also recycled several jokes from the old version.

So, riff time:

Tony's at bat

MST:  His hair's bouncin' and behavin'
RT:  Valerie Bertinelli at the plate

He's about to be run over

RT:  A car's coming. I better stop right into its path
MST:  Don't worry, his area will protect him

Molly turns him into a zombie

MST:  resurrecting Neil Young
RT:  Like Dracula waking from a wild night in Vegas

Jimbo laughs after two of his friends were killed by "angel dust" aka Tony

MST:  Did you see Russell Baker's column this morning?
RT:  I just stole Jennifer Beals' hair

Then Tony kills Jim's dad

MST:  No need to linger
RT:  Snap into an '80s guy, oh yeah!

Churchman's literally dragged into Hell

RT:  Just don't hurt my mustache
MST:  So Hell is just right there. Yeah, that's you should call before you dig.

There were also jokes on Olive Garden, Alfred Hitchcock, Wayne's World, Tim Horton's, West Side Story, Four Non-Blondes and Encanto.

Both versions of Zombie Nightmare are currently at the Rifftrax website.

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