Sunday, December 21, 2008

'Twas the weekend before Christmas...

Was it three years ago, during the best convention I ever attended?
If so, you'd be surprised how much hair I've lost from the top.

When my radio station wondered why I had so many replacement holidays, they soon found out I was the go-to guy to fill in during the holidays. I had thought it would be different this year, with the possibility of two five-day weekends this week and next.

Then I found out the weekend overnight guy is spending the week out of town, and can't fill in for me for Christmas Eve and Day. So, it will be another typical Christmas for me...except I take the swing shift on Christmas, and I get Christmas Eve off to reduce my unused vacation time to 10 days. That's the maximum allowed by my bosses to roll over to the new year. It would, of course, mean I'll have nearly two months of unused vacation time to start the new year, but I'll use more of it because they insist on it this time. For example, it means a four-day Wondercon weekend in late February, because I have a million replacement holidays I have to use.

I will still get a five-day weekend for New Year's, including New Year's Eve. So, at least I will welcome 2009 somewhat loaded but still able to stagger home.

I've also spent a lot of time burning DVD's of shows requested by Bill, my Canadian game show fan who doesn't get Game Show Network. The network has had some holiday marathons of the old classics, from Family Feud to Card Sharks, Wheel of Fortune to Super Password. What struck me was a block of four shows from Body Language, a 1980's version of Pantomime Quiz with a dash of Password mixed in. Robert Morse was one of the guests, and you'd be surprised how young he looked compared to how he looks now on Mad Men. I did see him at the Paley Center Fest last March, and he looked good. Lucille Ball was also on the show, and she didn't exactly look her best here because the show is so physical. You might say this is No Game Show For Old Icons. You should see her in Password instead. At least thanks to this DVD exchange, I'll get the whole set of Trailer Park Boys, and a liberal sampling of other Canadian sitcoms. I just wonder what to ask for next.

It is hard to believe tha tsuch an exciting, and eventually difficult, year is almost done. I have to really think about what I did, and also make sure it did happen during 2008. All I know is meeting Joel Hodgson, Mike Nelson, Felicia Day, Harold and Kumar and Dr. Horrible were definitely part of my year. After that, I'll have to pause a bit.

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