Monday, May 11, 2009

Is a family reunion scary?

Well, maybe.
For one thing, I just found out about it today, only because I was calling my mom to apologize for not reaching her on Mother's Day. I got my brother instead, who is gettnig over turnng 47. I told him that I wasn't to eager to approach my birthday, either. Anyway, apparently they had planned the event for some time, but almost forgot to tell me.

Considering that I haven't seen my mom in nearly nine years, and other relatives for even longer than that, you can't blame them. I haven't seen my brother's kids in maybe 15 years. I wouldn't be surprised if they refuse to believe I can related to them.

Remember, this was years before the internet made it possible for families to keep in touch, no matter if they are separated by hundreds of miles. I may have a computer, but I may be the only one.

This is going to be very uncomfortable for me. They're going to keep asking why I didn't keep in touch. For me, it's lack of money, and just plain fear. You might get away with not keeping touch for a couple of years, but after nine or ten, you might as well consider yourself an orphan. It would be hard to explain why you never call or write. It's not as bad as Lily Rush trying to find her dad on Cold Case, but it's close.

Maybe it's because I haven't kept touch since my brother died 13 years ago. I felt guilty I could only stay a few hours, then drive back to Eureka. Then my sister died about a year ago. Again, I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.

Maybe I should go, because my mom will hit 77 in July. She's still as sharp as they come, but how long will it be before I say goodbye to her, too? This is my chance, and I should take it.

I doubt anyone would be impressed with my life, even if it did include meeting peopel like Joss Whedon, and the MST3K gang. I'm sure they've never heard of them. If they are realy glad to see me, and ask for my e-mail address (or even Twitter), that would be a good sign.

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