Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Octamen, Raiders and Spiders, Oh Man! Rifftrax's Kickstarter Campaign Is On!

Just a few days before people wonder who will be praised as the best movies of 2018, Rifftrax has started its seventh annual Kickstarter campaign.
Instead of featuring movies that the average fan has heard of, the live shows will stick to Rifftrax's B-movie roots. Two of them are new to the Riff-verse, and the third is an MST3K favorite.

Each of them has an interesting story.
Coming this April will be Octaman, a really cheesy movie made in Mexico in 1971.
Safe to say this little guy was made by radioactive water or something. It was written by the guy who wrote Creature From the Black Lagoon, and the creature was designed by Rick Baker. The cast features Vic Morrow from The Last Shark and former MGM starlet Pier Angeli.

Then we'll have Star Raiders: The Adventures of Saber Raine in June. This was partially funded by Kickstarter two years ago,  and features Casper Van Dien from Starship Troopers and Cynthia Rothrock who is anything but Mrs. Santa Claus here. It's basically Space Mutiny or Starcrash on a budget, in the style of Birdemic.

Finally in August, Mike, Kevin and Bill take on the Giant Spider Invasion. It's just as many of us remembered it about 20 years ago on MST3K: Alan Hale as a sheriff, Barbara Hale being chased by big spiders, and a disturbing part of the Midwest that included guys who claim they spend their time listening to a loud preacher. It's made by the same guy who made Monster-A-Go-Go. This time, the movie will be uncut, and the riffs will include "PACKERS!" but not as often.

The goal of 250 thousand dollars was hit in one day.. The real question is what stretch goals will be offered. Last year, supporters almost got It's A Wonderful Life but did get an extra shorts DVD and mp3's of Ready Player One and Solo. This year, what will be next? It seems Aquaman could be a target, along with Glass, The Predator, and maybe the "Battle of the Bastards" episode from Game of Thrones. Since Bumblebee was a good Transformers movie, it might escape Rifftrax's wrath..or maybe not.

If you're interested in tossing in a few bucks for goodies including VODs of the shows, t-shirts and the like, visit here. The only question is if it breaks last year's record of 501 thousand dollars. If so, maybe it can finally fulfill its original goal: riffing Twilight within an inch of its afterlife.

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